Sunday, March 6, 2011

Be Grateful

I had the privilege to visit my 92 year old Aunt Blanche with my 3 sisters in Atlanta, GA recently. Both of our parents have passed and she remains the single person from their generation that remains an inspiration. Throughout our lives she has been there for each of us. She taught us to be generous with our love for others, and she reminds us to laugh hard every day. I am grateful to this amazing woman who will always hold a special place in my heart. If you have anyone that has shown this love for you-- go to them or write to them NOW and let them know. Reach out and show them your gratitude. It is the least we can do.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Be Kind To One Another

I am understanding the power of negative energy. I have seen it in my own life. It can have caustic effects on your spiritual growth. People scoff at your beliefs and it is like a slap in the face. The sting remains over time and you share less and less about what you feel is your true path. And so as I thought about the disclosure of negative energy directed at my good friends Mick and Sylvie Avery I wanted to just post my feelings. Be kind, be a good listener, have compassion and learn to be more loving towards one another. We all share the same planet. Some of us have seen very difficult times in our lives. Let us not add to the tribulations that often face the people we are surrounded by. It is a lesson for all of us and we should learn it well. May this journey be made lighter as we share the load. I for one need to just stop and be still-- my inner voice is telling me to stay positive and share my light and energy to those in need.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Spiritual Guides Go Offline

I am sorry to announce that the wonderful deep trance mediation work done by Mick and Sylvie Avery has come to an end. This is how their promotional statement read:
Deep trance medium Mick Avery is the channel for spirit Gregory Haye, spokesperson for an educational group of higher minds called The White Cloud Group. They have come to bring us the benefit of their combined knowledge so that we can become better informed about crucial matters concerning our future.
And now sadly they have taken their website down and canceled their weekly radio show which aired in the UK. I have no idea why this fantastic team ended their work so abruptly. It is very sad as they helped so many people throughout the world and their work spans more than a decade.

I will continue to listen to all of their audio teachings which I have previously downloaded as they are priceless and ever so precious to me. I wish them the very best and I will continue to send prayers and hope that some light will be shed as to why they have decided to bring this extraordinary work of theirs to this sudden end.
I am following all of their guidance which was given to me through my Akashic reading and I am thoroughly enjoying the process. I am a much better person for having known them. My book is coming along and I will continue unwavering in my journey to bring a message to the universe.
Hopefully you can still access some of their work. For info on how you can access their work here is a link

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The ME in my Akashic Record

Wow. I am not even going to try and explain all of this. There are few words that could assist me.
I will say that this is the strongest message I have ever received that I am to write. I will be widely published. And so I shall start writing. My dilemma has always been where to start. I was told there is no beginning end or middle. Just write and tell the world all that you have experienced.

My gift.
Communication is my spiritual gift. Well, I kinda figured this would come out. I engaged in public speaking to encourage adult education to people who felt they were beyond the age of college. I have spoken up for battered and abused women, to large groups, churches and even at the state level to the NJ District Attorney. I have spoken to children and students regarding following their passion to fulfill their dreams. I myself was told I could not go to art school (by my father) because I would "never make it". Only to travel 180 miles RT daily to attend an art school in Philadelphia, PA with two children at home, while going through a divorce at the age of 34. I went on to finish at the top of my class and was hired within 6 months by a professional sports team where I worked for 10 years :) So yes, I have lots of inspirational stories in my heart. I work as a graphic designer and have learned to use all forms of visual communication, web, print, video... and illustration.

My doorkeeper.
I was given the name and complete description (even down to her wardrobe) of my doorkeeper and I cannot stop smiling about this. ELSIE MARIE BLACKWOOD from York, England. She lived during the time of 1546. She wears a blue grey dress to the floor with brown felt-like slippers on her feet. She died very old and she took in many many children. She has a unique relationship to me through my ancestry. This to me, is the connection of my genealogy fixation. I started getting obsessed with my family tree around 2001. Elsie has been with me a long time. Yes, I talk to her all the time. Thankfully now I have her name.

My name.
My spiritual name Hhyabhalashiy means "bringer of the universe". The name is empowered by a spiraled galaxy emanating in blue white gaseous clouds with many thousands of planets and stars.

I am a medium. I have strong intuitive powers that once I learn to connect to them will be through water. I will be able to place my hands in water and be able to sense or connect with the journey of this water and the spirit and energy which has passed through it. I need to physically surround myself with water--live near it. And yes, I have always lived very close to the ocean.

I was told to practice a deeper type of meditation no more than 15 mins daily. With no communication, no asking or seeking anything. Practice letting go of all thoughts and to sit in silence. This mechanism is the way for me to connect with my higher consciousness without all the noise, that I myself have brought to the meditation.
I can only say this. It was such a rewarding experience for me. It was amazing to hear Gregory tell me about my trials and accounts I have experienced over the years. There is no prophecy--there is understanding and clear direction. I encourage all that would like to discover this for themselves to do some research into their own Akashic Records.
If I do not post for a while it is because I am going to start writing. Thank you for reading my blog. I hope it helps you find your own path. I will return from time to time, but for now I need to start placing my energy elsewhere.  Please let me know if I have helped you.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Why am I so Thirsty?

As I was in my Delta state this morning, I was debating whether or not to rise and go to work or try to meditate. My attitude, of late, has been more relaxed. I feel as if I have been "trying" to hard. I have taken some time off from this morning routine, and so today I took a new approach.
I started to talk to spirit guides.
"I know you are there." I saw their lights of robin egg blue appear, I saw water sparkling beyond them. Always the same sparkling water. It's beautiful and relaxes me even deeper.
"What message do you have for me today?"
This came through very strong.
Ok, love what?
Ok, so here I am feeling blue about the holidays and maybe this is just my imagination. "Fine", I said, "thanks." Now the light became incredibly intense and I said...."Teach me something that will help me today."
I went through the light. I was standing in a dark dirt floored room. My boyfriend Dean was with me along with a young woman I have worked with in the past, named Lauren. We were on a mission.

He was leading the way. Instinctively we knew we had to go to a specific place where we would be able to complete our mission.
We were accompanied by a small animal, I never saw the animal it growled like a dog. I was troubled because there were people about and we needed to get by them unseen. We had to go up a rocky steep overgrown, very green and plush area on the side of what appeared to be a mountain. It was daylight and it was cold. "They won't see us", he said.
We all went together, as if we just floated above them and we were invisible to them. I think we were naked, and that was the other reason I was troubled. It was necessary to be naked in order to do this and I didn't want them to become alarmed. We arrived at the top of this area and Dean led us into an opening in mountain. It looked much like the dark earth covered room we began in. It smelled damp and felt cold and icy. Lauren and the animal were searching around for something. I said to Dean, "how will we find it?" He said, "we will just know it when we find it--it will come." He was circling around and finally he said "here, over here." "Oh" I said "like this"--I stepped into a whirling vortex. It was amazing, my body became energy infused with the earth's energy and I was standing in what can only be described as a pot or enclosure of liquid that was spinning and pulling me downward into and through the ground.Wow, I thought it was amazing. I was not spinning just slipping down through the earth and darkness, totally aware that I was completely safe as I descended. Dean was having trouble. "Something's wrong, the "       " is not working and I need to get out. ( He called it a name, I do not recall this now)
"Just jump" I said, " you will land on solid ground." As we both jumped out of this tubular device filled with liquid, we were cold naked and totally drenched. Lauren and he were looking at their feet where black clothes appeared suddenly. They were made of something like fine black silk. I stood there naked with my arms raised, just knowing instinctively that my clothes would appear. "You are beautiful", Lauren said...look at you." I was watching as my skin dried and my clothes simply dried onto my body. It started at my feet and then they just simply appeared as my skin dried they replaced the wetness. "How did you do that?" Dean asked. "I just knew it" I said.
Next we were in another dark area. Our job or assignment was to secure the area. It was pitch black and we could not use any lights. Our small animal friend was in the room with us growling. I was talking sweetly trying to calm him. He suddenly bit down on something and we lost what little power we had, I think he did it intentionally, and he was growling because he knew it was his job and it would bring some pain. Now all was silent. The animal was still, the room we were keeping secure was in total darkness. I was in a bed and Dean was asleep beside me. As I lay my head down and closed my eyes I was taken to an amazing place. (This place was EXACTLY like the vision I had in my post on being HUNTED. I will put a link to that below.)
As the vision came into view it was a brilliant clarity. Stronger than my eyesight has ever been in my lifetime. Colors are intense it is like seeing in my perfect eyes, and living as I was meant to. This is what it feels like and seems like when I see these visions. I was seeing this dark place we were now in the sleeping area of, in the daylight--as it started to appear I yelled to Dean-"come here, now, I'm having a vision", I said to him. "You can see it and tell me now?" he asked.  "Yes, it is exactly like my vision before". I began to describe everything I was seeing.
I was above the scene, like an out of body experience. The man we had been trying very hard to "get something from" (this is the best way I can describe it, as I had a knowing that we had just been given something we had tried very hard and long to accomplish) was showing a crowd of people what WE had just acquired. I saw a group of people. Some young, some old, several children running and playing. They seemed to be gathered together in a picnic style gathering. "Dean", I said, "it's ours, we GOT it!"
"Are you sure, how do you know?" He's showing them all. The man is uncovering objects. They appear to be in a frames, he is taking a covering off of them and turning them over and standing them on their sides. They do not look very special, but I know that they are very valuable. They look like frames about 4' by 4' covered with a material that looks like carpeting. The people are smiling and helping him with his task. "Everyone knows, it's finally ours." I say. The man then stands and walks to what is the side of a huge cliff, very high up. A beautiful vista.
From this breathtaking height, it slopes off to a huge body of water in the background. The body of water is so large it appears endless with a mist covering it n the background. "Oh", I say to Dean "this is it, this is what we were hoping for, it comes with the water!" The image begins to melt and I know it is over.
"It's gone now." I say.
I then come out of the trance and I am in my room here with Dean asleep beside me. I wake him and tell him everything. "Go write it now", he says. Before I leave the room, I recall the vision....within a vision. It was about a water source, I say. This was the mission. We needed to secure a water source, and we did.

This is the post I referred to earlier. These two were the exact in that I knew I was in a different space and place and time then a dreamworld. It is hard to put into words the intensity of what I saw, felt, smelled and just sensed with a"knowing". HUNTED

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Pause

I have been doing a lot of wondering...about myself. Who I am. Where I came from. It reminded me of the small tiny cocoon I had been watching outside my window.
For years I have lived in this cocoon fast asleep. Unaware that my energy was waiting for me to tap into it. Recently I have discovered I had wings. Slowly they are unfolding. They appear wet and I am still in the drying phase. I am trying to get off the ground. Reading, meditating and taking time to pause.

I have no destination. I don't know my way. I am searching and carefully following my instincts. Although I appear unsure as I am gathering my wings, one thing is certain. I WILL fly.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Exploring my Akashic Record

As I have previously mentioned I have been following the work of Gregory Haye with spiritualists Mick and Sylvia Avery. How did I discover this? I believe I was led to listen to Gregory's messages on the radio, by my guides. When I meditate I am always asking for clear direction. I want to know my purpose. My gifts and talents--what are they, and how should I be using them in this life? I know that I am connected to a higher Source. Crap, I have been talking to this Source since I was very young. I would lean back on my swing and talk to the sky...I would ride my bike to my "secret spot" where I felt safe and alone and could communicate without fear of ridicule. My guides led me to download these podcasts which are broadcast in the UK. And now I have finally made an appointment after listening to well over 20 of his 45 min. programs.

I have many questions to ask Gregory. Do I think he will have all the answers?  No I believe I hold the answers and I am starting to discover them within myself. But I do believe this is another tool to assist me in unlocking my beautiful Spirit. I look forward to this with an open heart. I hope I can help others by what I discover.